Group Leader Resources

Equipping and Investing In You

The King And His Kingdom -Deeper Dive Small Group Guide

Who Is Jesus?

Our Greatest Need?

Rebelling Against Religion

Sabbath In The Storm

Two Kingdoms

Kingdom Math

Kingdom Conflict

The Suffering King

The Glory of the King

Kingdom OS

Genesis: Jacob - Deeper Dive Small Group Guides

Week 1: Stairway From Heaven

Week 2: The Way to Less Mess

Week 3: Dissatisfaction Guaranteed

Week 4: Wrestling with God

Week 5: Life With A Limp

Week 6: The Price of Partial Obedience

Week 7: How To Get It Right After Getting It Wrong

Right Now Media

Right Now Media is a gigantic, digital library with over 20,000 discipleship resources for groups, adults, students, and youth.  Each group and group member is able to access this content for personal study or for your group to study God’s word together.